How to Tell If Your Check Tooth Light Came On

Tooth engine light

Have you ever had your car’s check engine light come on? It can be worrisome until you can take it to a mechanic. Sometimes, you can look back and see that there were a few warning signs, that if acknowledged, could’ve prevented the problem in the first place. Like your car’s check engine light, your teeth can alert you when something is not quite right.


Many people avoid the dentist for months or even years until something happens that causes them to make an appointment; often a broken tooth or tooth pain. Your mouth is not unlike your car when it comes to checking the engine. Many times, there are warning signs that occur before serious tooth damage occurs. A slight ache, sensitivity, or bleeding gums can indicate that something isn’t quite right. Here are a few signs to look for that may indicate it’s time to see a dentist.

Gum irratation

Gum Irritation

Gums that are red, irritated, swollen, or bleed can signal that something is wrong in your mouth. These symptoms are a major “check tooth light” indicator as they can lead to gum disease, also known as periodontal disease. Gum disease can lead to tooth loss if it is left untreated. In a recent study performed by the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention, half of Americans aged 30 or older have periodontitis. Periodontitis, or gum disease, is treatable if taken care of early.


Temperature Sensitivity

Are your teeth sensitive to hot or cold foods and drinks? Can you bite into a popsicle, or does it send you through the roof? How does that hot cup of coffee feel in the morning? If either temperature causes a feeling of discomfort for your teeth, this is another “check tooth light” issue. Causes of sensitivity can include:

  • Tooth decay
  • Worn fillings or tooth enamel
  • Fractured teeth
  • Gum disease
  • Exposed tooth root

Having your sensitive teeth looked at by your dentist can help you determine the root of the problem, and the best course of action to take care of it.

Tooth temperature sensativity

Bad Breath

Bad breath has many causes, but did you know that tooth and gum issues can be one of them? One of the most common causes of bad breath is poor dental hygiene. Taking good care of your teeth by regularly brushing, flossing, and using antiseptic mouthwash can go a long way toward helping avoid bad breath. Keeping regular dental appointments for preventive dental care to remove built-up bacteria is the best way to stay healthy. Bad breath causing bacteria that is not properly removed can lead to tooth decay, so consider this another “check tooth light.”




Tension headaches can sometimes be caused by dental related issues. If your teeth are not lined up properly when you bite it can create a muscle imbalance that causes pain. Thankfully, there are dental treatments that can help correct your bite. If left untreated, a misaligned bite can cause long-term tooth damage.

Tension headaches caused by misaligned bite

Don’t ignore your “check tooth light.” No matter how small your problem is, it’s better to have it examined to avoid bigger problems down the road. If you’re concerned you’ve experienced one of the abovementioned “check tooth light” issues, come see us at Tendercare Dental in Tigard. Our staff is proud to offer our patients the best in individualized care and treatment needed for a healthy, pain-free smile.


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