Does Oil Pulling Live Up to the Hype?

It’s official: Oil pulling has gone from a relatively unknown Ayurvedic oral health technique to a full-on trend. Even those who don’t know exactly what it is have likely heard the term. For those not in the know, oil pulling is an ancient dental care method that involves swishing a tablespoon of oil (usually coconut, sesame or sunflower) around the mouth for 20 minutes before spitting it out. The technique is said to have a long list of health benefits, including fighting plaque, gingivitis and bad breath. Here’s what you need to know before you give it a go.

  1. Oil pulling has scientific backing. While this home remedy seems like it could have a basis in pseudo-science, the benefits are legit. A WebMD article on the topic, confirms that recent studies have confirmed the health benefits listed above. The oil adheres to the fatty cell membrane of the microorganisms that cause plaque, gingivitis and bad breath. When the oil is spit out, the bad stuff goes with it.
  2. Not all pulling oils were created equal. Coconut is the superior choice for pulling because it has lauric acid, a known microbial agent. While similar health benefits can be achieved with sesame or sunflower oils, you lose out on the lauric acid.
  3. You don’t have to swish for the full 20. If 20 minutes of swishing makes your jaw hurt just thinking about it, start small. Experts believe even five to 10 minutes of oil pulling can be beneficial. Whatever you do, however, don’t swallow. You want to eliminate the bacterial by sending it into the trash, not down your throat (or the drain, as oil can cause the pipes to clog).
  4. Oil pulling isn’t a cure-all. That’s right, you still have to brush and floss. Oil pulling is a great way to supplement your regular healthy habits, but it can’t replace the standard brush-and-floss routine you do daily (you are doing this daily right?!).

Overall, oil pulling is perfectly safe and even has some great health benefits. If you follow the above tips, oil pulling will help keep your teeth looking their best. Want to know more about how to keep your oral health in tip-top shape? The professionals at Tigard Family Dental can deliver the latest and best information about your specific needs. They will also help you determine what procedures to schedule right away.


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