10 Foods That Help Strengthen Tooth Enamel

Foods that strengthen tooth enamel

We all know sugary foods like candy and soda can damage tooth enamel, but what are some foods that can strengthen our tooth enamel? Here’s a list of 10 foods that you can incorporate into your diet to help keep your teeth healthy and strong.

  1. Celery: Celery has a high fiber content and can help protect tooth enamel by cleaning the teeth as you chew. Plus, since it takes longer to chew, it promotes saliva secretion which helps maintain an enamel-friendly pH balance in the mouth.
  1. Carrots: Carrots are also high in fiber and promote saliva secretion. They are also very high in vitamin A, which helps maintain healthy mucous membranes and saliva flow. They keep your mouth moist, so enamel-damaging bacteria cannot thrive.
  1. Apples: Most fruits are loaded with sugar and acid, which can erode tooth enamel. However, apples are a safe choice. They are loaded with teeth-cleaning fibers and loads of water that can flush bacteria and food out of your mouth.
  1. Strawberries: Another fruit that can be good for your teeth are strawberries. Strawberries contain malic acid, which can help whiten your teeth and remove tartar. They are also full of antioxidants that are necessary for the overall health of your mouth.
  1. Cranberries: Though cranberries are pretty acidic, a recent study showed that cranberries may disrupt the formation of glucan, a building block of plaque, making it difficult for harmful bacteria to bond with the teeth, thus protecting the tooth enamel.
  1. Dairy: Dairy is loaded with calcium and protein, both of which help build strong teeth. Dairy also contains probiotics, which can fight against the nasty bacteria that can cause tooth decay. It also helps balance the pH level in your mouth.
  1. Fish: Your body needs vitamin D in order to process calcium. So along with dairy, you should also consider eating fish, which has a high quantity of vitamin D.
  1. Pumpkin Seeds: Pumpkin seeds are full of fiber, which can help clean the teeth. They also contain high levels of phosphorous, which is as important as calcium and vitamin D for building strong teeth.
  1. Garlic: Though not exactly a breath freshener, garlic is great for your tooth enamel. Garlic contains allicin, which has strong antimicrobial properties that can help fight against harmful bacteria that cause plaque and tooth decay.
  1. Green Tea: Green tea is high in polyphenols which may slow the growth of the bacteria that causes plaque. Green tea also contains fluoride, which helps prevent tooth demineralization and decay. To enjoy the full benefits, avoid adding sugar or honey when consuming.

For more ways to protect your tooth enamel, talk with Dr. Marostica at Tigard Family Dentist. Our team can answer any questions you have and recommend more ideas to keep your teeth healthy and strong!


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