Most Commonly Asked Questions

Common Questions


Sometimes a trip to dentist is wrought with questions you’re sometimes too embarrassed to ask. From weird smells to why you need to sit through the full deep cleaning, a trip to the dentist’s office can be confusing. Here’s the answers to the common dental questions most people are too afraid to ask.


Why isn’t my bad breath improving? Despite brushing and flossing consistently, swishing mouthwash after brushing, and chewing sugar-free gum to rid unwanted smells, your breath is not improving. The short answer is that halitosis, also known as bad breath, isn’t always caused by bacteria build-up on the teeth. It’s a relatively common problem, so don’t be scared to broach the subject with a professional. Your hygienist and dentist can look at your dental history to help determine the specific cause for you. bad breath can be caused by your diet, acid reflux, or is a symptom of something else going on in your body unrelated to your oral health.


Why do I need to splurge for a deep cleaning? Won’t polishing the teeth accomplish the same goal in half the time? Unfortunately, the answer is no. A deep cleaning is designed to target the gums, preventing gum disease. It doesn’t sound like a big deal, but gum disease is a common cause for lost teeth, and it’s been shown to put you at risk for more serious problems like heart disease. The deep cleaning will cover different areas of your mouth than a standard preventative one.


Deep cleanings


Why is necessary to be so reclined in the chair? It may feel as if you’re about to slide down the chair and land on your head, but there’s a method to the madness. This position is primarily used to prevent dentists and dental professionals from getting injured on the job. The deep recline makes accessing your entire mouth more ergonomically accessible. It’s important for dental professionals to easily see and reach each and every tooth so they can be tended to properly. Hygienists also incur an unusually high level of occupational injuries on the job; having the chair way, way back limits the risk a patient will unintentionally bite down during a procedure. That said, if you’re uncomfortable, hygienists can adjust the chair to limit the discomfort.


Is a recommended treatment always necessary? Have questions about something your dentist is suggesting? Bring it up with the hygienist. It’s not worth undergoing a procedure if you’re not completely comfortable. Both the dentist and hygienist have your best interests in mind, and will be able to explain everything in more detail, helping you to make an informed decision about how to proceed. Never be afraid to speak up. The Tigard TenderCare Dental team is happy to answer any questions you have.


Ask your dentist

It’s important to share any questions you have about your appointment or any oral care concerns you have with a dental professional. At TenderCare Dental in Tigard, we value every patient’s individual feedback, and are happy to discuss any questions you may have. Contact us for more information about specific questions you may have or about scheduling an appointment. We look forward to hearing from you!


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