Do Dental Troubles Run in the Family?

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Relatives say you have Nana’s smile, but does that mean you’re destined for dentures? After all, hair color, facial features and health related conditions can be passed from one generation to the next. So, it’s not much of a stretch to think that genetics could also impact the likelihood you’ll experience the same oral concerns as your family.


The short answer to “can I blame my family for my cavities?” is “not completely.” According to Mary L. Marazita, Director of the Center for Craniofacial and Dental Genetics at the University of Pittsburgh School of Dental Medicine, genetics can play a role in your overall oral health, but so do lifestyle habits. In an article titled, “Bad Teeth? Blame Your Genes,” Marazita told CNN that the approximate risk of an individual to suffer from tooth decay due to genetic factors is around 60 percent. The other 40 percent is based on so-called environmental factors and individual habits such as, brushing and flossing frequency, an affinity for sugary Frappuccinos and access to dental care.


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While the scales may be slightly tipped toward the kindred side, there are plenty of preventative measures anyone can take to protect their pearly whites. Here are some tips to help counterbalance a genetic disposition for dental troubles.

  • Find the right toothbrush, toothpaste, mouthwash and other dental care items for you.
  • Know the facts about gum disease, including what causes it and how to identify the symptoms.
  • Enjoy sweets, especially sugary drinks, in moderation and avoid these destructive candies at all costs.
  • Keep up with regular dental appointments. Even the most diligent brushers need biannual professional cleanings to maintain a healthy mouth.


Armed with the right information, tools and attitude, you’ll be safeguarded against potential dental dilemmas. Paying attention to oral hygiene will always pay off in the form of a healthier mouth, fresher breath, and a whiter smile.


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Still have questions about your dental destiny? Set up an appointment to chat with the friendly staff at Tigard TenderCare Dental. Our team of professionals approaches every exam with compassion and gentleness to ensure a positive experience for the entire family. Whether you’re still stumped about how genetics can impact dental health or simply want more information about gum disease prevention, Tigard TenderCare Dental has you covered.


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