How Kids Can Overcome their Fear of the Dentist

Kids going to the Dentist

Going to the dentist can be intimidating, even for adults. Helping your child through their first dental exam can alleviate any stress or anxiety they may be experiencing. The right preparation can help kids overcome their fear of the dentist. Here are some simple tips to ensure a cheerful checkup.


Your Child’s First Appointment

The sooner your child becomes familiar with the dentist, the instruments and sounds, the easier the process will be going forward.The first visit will help your child become comfortable in the space for future visits. When a child finds that going to the dentist can be a positive experience, he or she won’t dread a biannual teeth cleaning. A good rule of thumb is to schedule a visit after a child’s first birthday or when the first tooth appears.


First dental exam


Explain the Visit in an Age-Appropriate Way

When talking to your child about a first trip to the dentist, the best bet is to avoid over-explaining the process. Words like shot, drill or pain can be scary, and parents should focus on maintaining a positive tone. Too many details and specifics can lead to more questions and anxiety.


Role Play to Practice

One way to get your child comfortable with the dentist is to play pretend. Using a regular toothbrush, parents can count the child’s teeth. While making drilling noises or showing a variety of dental tools can be scary, holding up a mirror to sow how the dentist will check teeth can be a positive way to prepare your child for a first exam. After parents have played dentist, kids should be encouraged to be the dentist for their dolls, action figures or stuffed animals. A familiar routine will be less intimidating when the first dental checkup rolls around.


Role play to practice


Preparing your child for a trip to the dentist is easy and can even be fun. By keeping things light, children will go into their first checkup with the right attitude, making future visits a breeze. And that’s something everyone can smile about. For the latest and best information about your family’s specific needs, come see us at Tigard TenderCare Dental! Our team of dental professionals can help you determine what procedures to schedule, how to make a trip to the dentist and painless as possible and how to maintain good oral health outside the office.


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