Fun Facts About Your Mouth

Facts about your Mouth -min

How much do you really know about your mouth? Everyone knows we have a tongue, teeth, lips, and gums, but did you also know that if you’re right handed, you tend to chew on your right side, and vice versa? Every day we’re constantly doing things like breathing, eating, smiling, talking, yawning, etc. Yet, there’s a lot we don’t know or realize about our mouths. Most of us rarely think about the role our mouth plays in our lives, so here are some facts about your mouth that you may find interesting.


1.    During your lifetime, your mouth will produce approximately 37,854 liters (9,999.96 gallons) of saliva. That’s a lot of moisture!


2.    Your fingerprints are unique. They are yours and yours alone. The same thing can be said of your teeth. No two individuals have the same teeth. Some teeth may have similarities but not one of them is identical to another. Dental records can be used to solve crimes by helping authorities identify an individual when there are no other means available to do so.


3.    Much like the uniqueness of your teeth, your tongue imprint is also different for every person. Your tongue possesses unique characteristics that are all your own, so keep it healthy by keeping up with your regular brushing routine.


4.    On average, a person will spend approximately 38.5 days or 924 hours brushing their teeth over their lifetime. Think about it, the minimum amount of time that you are supposed to spend brushing your teeth is 2 minutes at a time. Those few minutes that you spend each day brushing your teeth equals up to a little over a month’s worth of brushing in your lifetime.


5.    Your teeth begin forming while you are still inside of your mother’s womb. Baby teeth start emerging through gums between 6 and 12 months of age.


6.    Your lips do not have oil glands. One of the reasons that your lips often become dried out is because they do not have any means to protect themselves from the elements. Staying hydrated and keeping them moisturized with lip balm is a great way to keep your lips healthy and smooth.


7.    The hardest part of your body is the enamel on your teeth. This is a truly amazing feat considering all the bones in your body that protect your vital organs.


8.    Taste buds are not actually visible on your tongue. The bumps that you see on your tongue are called papillae. These are hair-like projections that rest on top of your actual taste buds. They are what gives your tongue its rough texture.


For more interesting facts about your mouth and learning about the best ways to keep it healthy come see your local Tendercare Dental in Tigard! We pride ourselves in providing our patients the best in professional dental care at every stage in life!


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